Raz-Lee Achieves Both IBM Advanced Business Partner & IBM Power Systems Software Status

Raz-Lee Security has received IBM Power Systems Software Status, and has also reaffirmed its IBM Advanced Business Partner Status. These emblems reflect the close relationship between Raz-Lee and IBM.

According to IBM, “Advanced level Business Partners have committed to maintaining a prosperous business relationship with IBM and are recognized and rewarded for that commitment”. This status is awarded when a business partner displays qualified skills, revenue achievements, or demonstrated that their IBM-based solutions have been successfully implemented at a customer site through a customer experience. IBM provides Advanced Business Partners with an enhanced level of benefits to in marketing, sales support, technical enablement and skill development.

Ready for IBM Power Systems Software validation enables business partners to demonstrate and validate the integration between their solutions and the IBM Power Systems Software portfolio.

“We are proud to elevate our relationship with IBM to a new and higher level,” said Shmuel Zailer, CEO, Raz-Lee Security. “After the many years of our working together with IBM and implementing advanced security technology all over the world, we have been rewarded with the new status. I’m confident that the additional advantages and support we receive from IBM will help accelerate the distribution of our solutions worldwide”.

Written by Shari Masafy, MarCom Manager at Raz-Lee
Email Shari Masafy at

3 Responses to Raz-Lee Achieves Both IBM Advanced Business Partner & IBM Power Systems Software Status

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